Thursday, March 13, 2014

What is search engine optimization and why is it important

What it is
Search engine optimization is a series of methods writers and website owners follow when making pages. It is a method that ultimately makes a website or blog appear higher up and more often when searched by search engines.

Well why is that so good
For obvious reasons it gives an advantage to the website owner because when people search for something they often don't go past the first page. If search engine optimization is used so effectively that a website gains a position on the first page of a search, that website will receive many more views. In general the higher up a website is in a search, the more viewers they will get.

Other then that , search engine optimization gives a website natural views. A natural view is a view that did not come from a link you posted on the internet or a return customer, it is simply someone who was searching for a certain thing and stumbled upon your website. Natural views are great because the natural viewer is most likely more interested then someone who may have clicked a link by impulse. A natural viewer most likely did not make an impulse click, would stay on the page longer and would potentially become a returning customer. On top of all that, a natural click is something that the website owner did not directly have to work for or pay for unlike a click that might come from an advertisement. Gaining natural click means there is always possibility of gaining more without any more work.

Now that you know why you need search engine optimization come check out how to use it.

For more ways to get your blog some views check out how to get more blog views

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