Sunday, February 23, 2014

Expanding your Business Through Social Media with Pinterest - Yea its that easy

Pinterest is a somewhat new and unique sharing site that could be classified as social networking. The generic social networking sites have a tendency to focus on the users sharing information and pictures of themselves. The unique part about Pinterest is rather then sharing information about themselves, users share pictures of what they like (making it easy to target a specific niche). This focus more directed on people's interests is what makes Pinterest such a good tool for web based businesses and blogs.

How it works
For those unacquainted with Pinterest, users browse through pictures with short descriptions and repin (repost) or share pictures that interest them. If the picture is from a website, clicking on it will direct the viewer to that site.

Yes its that easy to get views on Pinterest
Pinterest  differs from many other social networking sites because you don't necessarily need to gain a following for an image to be seen by many. With Facebook and blogs, you tend to only get views when you have put structure into your account and gained friends. And with blogs you only get views once you've posted religiously fro months. With Pinterest, everyone who posts an image has that image displayed in its category and people who search for it can also easily come across it. This means all you need to do is take a good picture off your business's site, and add a description telling them whats cool about it and mentioning if they click they will find out more on your website(be specific). This combined with the fact that  the main focus of the site is sharing pictures means that its easy to gt your pictures re shared by many and viewed by hundreds

Easy to Target Niches

Because pictures are posted and categorized by their description, the built in algorithms of Pinterest push the pictures you posted to people searching for the same type of pictures you post. This means the viewers showing up on your site will have that interest

With all these factors increasing your success rate, you can easily increase your blog or website traffic by utilizing the power of Pinterest.

Want More

Pinterest works very well with your blog. To learn a about increasing you business with blogging or facebook click on the links

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