Thursday, October 10, 2013

We own the gouvernement

Too often we find ourselves looking up to our political leaders and in goo reason we do so because they have the ever so important job of running our countries, but why do we let them get away with everything they want to get away with. I have a question, do you control your boss, does your boss listen to your commands. The answer for both of those should be no and similarly we tend to forget that we elect our prime ministers and presidents and we pay with our tax money for them to run our countries. In that case, we, the populous are the bosses of these individuals we give so much power to. Now i'm not suggesting overthrowing the government or anything like that i'm just suggesting we stand up for ourselves a bit instead of letting these leaders go free and do what they want. Obama for example as many of you may know just shut down the government and and the Canadian parliament is currently more or less taking a break to. Just remember though that we pay these people to run our countries and we are the boss of them, so reminding you that occasionally (not necessarily now) we need to put our foot down and make sure they are doing their job, after all that is what bosses do isn't it?

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