Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Stop The Wind Turbines???

I live in Canada and have a cottage on lake Erie and recently there has been a project to put up windmills near the lake, on the opposite side of the road as the cottages (the side further from the lake). Now the thing is, many people have a problem with this new development and many people want to stop the windmills despite the fact that they are doing something of good for the environment. The windmills are mostly placed in farmers fields, one per field. This works well because they need to be spaced a wide distance apart and might as well build it on land that can be utilized for other things at the same time, that way they are not wasting precious land. Now the reason why most people have problems with this is because one it decreases property value, it can also be seen as an eye sore, they also emit a low frequency that apparently irritates approximately 25% of the population, and also drive away mammals and rodents. But on the flip side, they are decreasing pollution by replacing potential unclean sources of power generation, and the farmers do get paid good money, something like $4000-$8000 to host the wind turbine but that is only for the first 10 years. SO the question is whether you think the turbines are great or not. Take into account the farmers or people nearby have no say in whether that turbine goes up or not. Like i drive by a decent amount of properties with a big stop the turbines sign, but unfortunately for them they have a big majestic one in their field. Looks like they were to late hahaha. Also take into account that after 10 years they stop getting paid. They also have negative effects on property value and cause small noise pollution and insomnia that i said before affect 25% of the people but at the same time its a renewable, safe energy, so what can i say.
 But to be fair, im not sure what I will be thinking once they have expanded more and they are across the road from me. So what do you think, are the windmills worth their negative repercussions as long as they are getting power to the city who, so badly needs it. Leave your comments and what you think should be done.

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